With a little help from my friends
"what would you think if i sang out of tune,
would you stand up and walk out on me.
lend me your ears and i'll sing you a song,
and i'll try not to sing out of key.
oh i get by with a little help from my friends,
i get high with a little help from my friends,
oh i'm gonna try with a little help from my friends."
-lennon/mc cartney
there are no detractors. i see only questions.
the point of this event is the showcasing of musical talent. like the zapin dancers at a malaysian cultural evening, i guess. if it is a night of debauchery that we want, we'd be better off organising a clubbing event! and what kind of talent do you ask? any form of talent is welcome, and the gig has seen its fair share of n00bs flogging covers and guitar-slinging crooners belting out original material. all for a fee, of course. if you need to know, the £25 fee has remained so since the early days of malaysian student gigs in the UK, and i am talking about from the late 90's!
organising student gigs in sheffield has its moments (for those who have studied in this city will smilingly know what i'm getting at). the fundamental issue is that these students may be young but they do not need telling how to conduct themselves at events such as these. the people who partake in the action, may it be the bands or the punters, are students attending tertiary institutions of excellence, and not elementary school, and i daresay of sound minds. to those who think anything offensive happens in the gig, be prepared to be disappointed. i remembered our sound engineer telling us that the gig was the cleanest one he's ever been at. whether that was a compliment or an insult, i leave it to you to decide. to paraphrase the who - "the kids are alright".
this year was no exception. we had a ourselves a sold-out event. a couple of bands unfortunately couldn't make it but we pulled through fine. the evening flowed smoothly. the bands were wowing the crowd better than in previous years and we had crowdsurfers even on the first set. what one can see at the gig isn't recklessness. one sees discipline, respect, friendship (old and newly-gained ones) and trust. all the more reason that there'll be one next year, InsyaAllah.
to yasmin the light, the up/down band, por favor, bantal kekabu, asthmatic rhino, selamat pagi treforest amd the fourth theory?, thank you.
would you stand up and walk out on me.
lend me your ears and i'll sing you a song,
and i'll try not to sing out of key.
oh i get by with a little help from my friends,
i get high with a little help from my friends,
oh i'm gonna try with a little help from my friends."
-lennon/mc cartney
there are no detractors. i see only questions.
the point of this event is the showcasing of musical talent. like the zapin dancers at a malaysian cultural evening, i guess. if it is a night of debauchery that we want, we'd be better off organising a clubbing event! and what kind of talent do you ask? any form of talent is welcome, and the gig has seen its fair share of n00bs flogging covers and guitar-slinging crooners belting out original material. all for a fee, of course. if you need to know, the £25 fee has remained so since the early days of malaysian student gigs in the UK, and i am talking about from the late 90's!
organising student gigs in sheffield has its moments (for those who have studied in this city will smilingly know what i'm getting at). the fundamental issue is that these students may be young but they do not need telling how to conduct themselves at events such as these. the people who partake in the action, may it be the bands or the punters, are students attending tertiary institutions of excellence, and not elementary school, and i daresay of sound minds. to those who think anything offensive happens in the gig, be prepared to be disappointed. i remembered our sound engineer telling us that the gig was the cleanest one he's ever been at. whether that was a compliment or an insult, i leave it to you to decide. to paraphrase the who - "the kids are alright".
this year was no exception. we had a ourselves a sold-out event. a couple of bands unfortunately couldn't make it but we pulled through fine. the evening flowed smoothly. the bands were wowing the crowd better than in previous years and we had crowdsurfers even on the first set. what one can see at the gig isn't recklessness. one sees discipline, respect, friendship (old and newly-gained ones) and trust. all the more reason that there'll be one next year, InsyaAllah.
to yasmin the light, the up/down band, por favor, bantal kekabu, asthmatic rhino, selamat pagi treforest amd the fourth theory?, thank you.
thx for the great time
To all the haters, go and find something better to do! Sheffield@Gig rock on forever!!!
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